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St Michael's Primary School, Killean, Newry


26th Mar 2021

We look forward to celebrating the Sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation with our P4 and P7 children.

P7 children will celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 17th April in Killean Chapel at 11am. Due the current health crisis, numbers in attendance will be limited to the Confirmandi, their Sponsors and the child’s immediate family (parents/guardians and siblings).

First Penance will take place in school on a date to be arranged. Further details to follow.

First Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday 9th May at 11am in Killean Chapel. Again, attendance will be limited to the P4 children accompanied by their parents/guardians and siblings.

For each ceremony each family will be assigned one row in the Chapel to maintain family bubbles.