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St Michael's Primary School, Killean, Newry

Eco News: Switch off Fortnight:

19th Nov 2018

Over the next two weeks the Eco team will be carefully monitoring the use of electricity in our school and how we can aim to reduce energy.

The Eco team had their 1st assembly on Friday and they made the pupils aware of this important fortnight where classes will be responsible for their lights and boards to be switched off when not in use. We are also going to have a 45 minute power down in the classroom each day over the next two weeks to see will it make a difference to our electric bill and also to mark European Waste reduction week which is also this week. The Eco team will be awarding classes with special stickers aimed at reducing energy and there will be an award for the best class at the end of the fortnight. Stay tuned to find out who will be our Eco champion class!